Body Treatments

  • Ayurvedic Massage

    Ayurveda is an approach to healthcare that developed in India thousands of years ago. Before your Ayurvedic Massage, there will be a consultation to determine your Dosha. Your Dosha is neither good nor bad, it is simply your characteristics. Your Dosha will determine which blend of oils and essential oils will be used during your treatment. The Ayurvedic massage starts with a foot and lower leg massage and moves into Champissage, an upper body massage that includes shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, face, ears, hair, and energy balancing. Please be prepared for your hair to be completely soaked in oils from root to tip. This is not a lunch-break treatment!

    Please note, you cannot receive this treatment if you have hair extensions.

    This is a silent appointment.

  • Hydrafacial Scalp Cleanse

    If you have an itchy, dry scalp or are experiencing breakouts/ ingrown hairs - this is the treatment for you.

    The chemical and physical exfoliation of the Hydrafacial for your scalp will be sure to leave you feeling fresh and clean.

  • Body Lymphatic Therapy

    The lymphatic system is very crucial for the immune system. Through a network of hundreds of lymph nodes, this system drains lymph fluid to be transported back into the bloodstream. The lymphatic system also removes bodily waste which helps to prevent infection. When there is an obstruction in our lymphatic system, fluid will build up which can cause problems, that is why it is recommended to massage any drainage obstruction to release lymph waste.

    The Body Lymphatic therapy treats the following areas...

    - Arms

    - Legs

    - Back

    - Abdomen

Pre Care

  • Expect to get oily from your hair to your toes - this is not a service to get right before any other commitments.

  • Book your appointment at a time where you can go home and relax after.

  • Fill out the consultation form ahead of time so Megan can properly find your Dosha.

  • Come with a clean face free of makeup, there is no cleanse included in this service.

Post Care

  • Drink lots of water and stay hydrated after the treatment to help flush toxins.

  • Plan a relaxing day afterwards to fully enjoy the benefits.

  • Leave the oils on your body and in your hair as long as possible, they’re great for your skin and hair.

  • When washing your hair, use conditioner, shampoo twice, then condition again to fully remove the oil.